Dvergen Artz

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bobsan quilt

This is the quilt that I made for my lovely wonderful best friend Bobsan's new home... That is my first scrap quilt. I was really amazed by the challenge it brought.
I spent three times more time cutting and ironing every separate piece than I would normally spend on piecing. It was worth though... to see the inspiration on Bobsan's face... it was sooo lovely:) and I really enjoy the pictures... It was a fully quilted according to the rules huge quilt. I hope it brings a looot of sunshine in her heart.

1 comment:

  1. Куилта на Бобсън наистина е страхотен, видях го наскоро наживо и веднага го познах, докато разглеждах блога :)
    Много красиви неща представяш Кети, отскоро започнах да ги разглеждам и да следя какво публикуваш, страхотни са :). Поздравления :)
